How Securex improved the workflow for ordering business cards.

1,700 Securex employees are available every day as HR partners supporting more than 83,000 businesses and 116,000 self-employed people. Like every major organisation, Securex thinks it’s important to optimise processes as much as possible. For example, there used to be a lot of issues with managing the many business cards due to the widely scattered network of offices in Belgium and abroad.

The challenge: to manage business cards more efficiently

According to Jolien Vercamer, Client Communication Officer with Securex, business cards were handled by a highly intensive workflow. First the request, then the graphic designer had to do the layout for the cards, change them, have them approved and finally send them out to an external print shop. Securex was looking for a way to manage this process more efficiently.

"We’ve been using a new corporate identity at Securex for some time now. In addition, we were also looking for a digital solution so that our graphics team wouldn’t have to get involved so much. Fileshop gave us a solution for our requirements"

Jolien Vercamer

The solution: to optimise the workflow with Fileshop

Perka provided a solution to these challenges in the form of Fileshop. Employees simply log in to an online platform where they find business card templates that have been designed according to the house style. Only the pre-defined fields can be changed, such as the surname, first name or job title. When a specific branch is selected, the office details are auto-completed. Once all the details are correct, a sample print can be downloaded. An approval flow ensures that the most senior manager can give input. He or she only has to approve the order for it to go into production. The cards are delivered to the desired address within the shortest possible time.

"We asked a number of providers. After Perka’s demo, we were quickly convinced of Fileshop’s value added and possibilities. The tool can be used quickly and easily. Naturally, the quality of the printed materials also played an important role. That was also among our criteria for switching."

Jolien Vercamer

Numbers in the spotlight

270 Securex employees have already ordered their business cards via this system. Every week, Perka groups together about five to ten new orders. They’re printed, packed for each branch office and sent to a central facility. From there, they’re delivered to the employee via Securex’s own distribution channel.

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